Here's what happened last year. I knew to pace myself early but I still flew up the first 9 floors. That's about where most people "in shape" start to become aerobic and their muscles run out of excess Oxygen. My goal this year is to not hit that wall until around 15 floors. Having an extra 6 floors of speed would really help my time. Last year I grounded out floors 10-mid 30's and then I don't remember how hard I ran those last few. There's a landing on floor 19 and 40 so my legs had to adjust to just running on flat ground for a hallway. (2 women got in my way on floor 40 last year) They're starting people on 12 second increments this year instead of 15. There could be a little more traffic.
My goal this year is to, like I said, get through the first 15 anaerobically, then push through to about the 35th floor, and then just all mental for the last 7. I was able to sprint up the last of 5 trips to the top of the mounds on Wednesday so I know my legs have more boost in them. I'm just convincing myself I'm in much better shape this year (I am). All I can aim for is to be under 6 minutes. If someone runs another 5:30 and wins, so be it, I'll just train harder next year, but if I can get under 6 minutes I'll be in really good position for placing high.
3691 total floors
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